Yellow widow tetra | Single
Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetra is a vibrant, selectively bred variant of the Black Widow Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi). Its radiant yellow coloration, often paired with a translucent or slightly shimmering appearance, makes it an eye-catching addition to freshwater aquariums. This peaceful, schooling fish is ideal for community tanks and beginner aquarists.
Key Characteristics of Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetra:
- Size: 1.5–2 inches (4–5 cm).
- Color: Bright sunburst yellow body with transparent or slightly iridescent fins.
- Lifespan: 3–5 years with good care.
- Behavior: Peaceful, active, and social; best kept in schools.
- Activity Level: Swims actively, primarily in the middle levels of the tank.
Water Parameters for Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetra:
- Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F).
- pH: 6.0–7.5, slightly acidic to neutral water.
- Hardness: 4–15 dGH.
- Tank Size: Minimum 15 gallons for a small group of 6; larger tanks are recommended for larger schools.
Tank Setup:
- Substrate: Dark substrate to make their bright yellow color stand out.
- Plants: Live plants such as Java ferns, Anubias, and floating plants for cover and aesthetics.
- Lighting: Moderate lighting enhances their vibrant yellow hue.
- Water Flow: Gentle flow; they thrive in calm water environments.
- Decor: Include driftwood, rocks, and caves to provide hiding places and mimic their natural habitat.
Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetras are omnivores and thrive on a balanced diet:
- Staple Foods: High-quality flakes or micro-pellets suitable for small tropical fish.
- Protein Sources: Live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.
- Vegetable Matter: Blanched spinach, zucchini, or spirulina-based foods.
Behavior and Tankmates:
- Behavior: Peaceful and schooling; happiest in groups of 6 or more.
- Tankmates:
- Compatible Species: Other peaceful fish like neon tetras, rasboras, guppies, and Corydoras.
- Avoid: Aggressive or fin-nipping species such as barbs or larger cichlids.
Breeding Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetra:
Breeding is similar to other Widow Tetra varieties:
- Breeding Tank: Use a separate tank with soft, slightly acidic water and fine-leaved plants or spawning mops.
- Conditioning: Feed the breeding pair high-protein foods such as live or frozen brine shrimp.
- Spawning: The female scatters eggs, which stick to plants or the substrate.
- Egg Care: Remove adults after spawning to prevent egg predation.
- Fry Care: Feed fry with infusoria or liquid fry food, progressing to crushed flakes as they grow.
Care Tips:
- Group Dynamics: Keep them in schools for reduced stress and natural behavior.
- Tank Maintenance: Maintain clean, stable water conditions with regular water changes.
- Lighting: Ensure lighting is not too harsh to avoid stress while enhancing their bright yellow coloration.
Why Choose Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetra?
- Unique Appearance: Their glowing yellow color adds vibrancy to any tank.
- Community-Friendly: Peaceful temperament allows them to coexist with a variety of tankmates.
- Hardy Nature: Easy to care for and adaptable, suitable for novice aquarists.
- Active Schooling: Their dynamic swimming adds liveliness to the aquarium.
The Sunburst Yellow Widow Tetra is a stunning, hardy, and peaceful fish that brings a burst of sunshine to any aquarium. Whether you're creating a community tank or looking for a centerpiece school, these tetras provide beauty, energy, and ease of care. With proper conditions, they’ll thrive and brighten your tank for years to come.