Borneo Sucker | 2-3cms | Single
The Borneo Sucker, also known as the Borneo Hillstream Loach or Sewellia spp., is a unique freshwater fish known for its flat, streamlined body adapted to fast-moving streams. These fascinating fish are ideal for aquarists seeking a natural algae cleaner and an unusual addition to their tank. Their peaceful nature and intriguing appearance make them a favorite in specialized setups.
Key Characteristics
- Scientific Name: Sewellia lineolata (or other Sewellia species)
- Size: 2–3 inches (5–7.5 cm)
- Lifespan: 5–7 years
- Coloration:
- Brown or greenish body with intricate golden or black markings.
- Flattened body and wide fins for clinging to surfaces.
- Temperament: Peaceful and shy.
- Tank Level: Bottom dweller.
Water Parameters
- Temperature: 68–76°F (20–24°C)
- pH: 6.5–7.5
- Hardness: 5–15 dGH
- Water Quality:
- Prefers highly oxygenated water with strong flow.
- Clean, stable water conditions are essential.
Tank Setup
Tank Size:
- Minimum 20 gallons for a group of 3–6 individuals.
- Smooth gravel or sand substrate to mimic their natural environment.
- Include smooth river stones, driftwood, and caves for shelter.
- Live plants like Java Fern and Anubias provide natural aesthetics and cover.
Water Flow:
- Use powerheads or strong filtration to replicate the fast-flowing streams of their natural habitat.
- Moderate lighting to encourage algae growth for grazing.
- Type: Omnivorous, with a preference for plant-based foods.
- Preferred Foods:
- Natural algae in the tank.
- Supplement with algae wafers, spirulina, and blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach.
- Occasionally accept protein-rich foods like bloodworms or daphnia.
- Feeding Tips:
- Feed once daily, ensuring food reaches the bottom of the tank.
Behavior and Tank Mates
- Peaceful and non-territorial; best kept in groups of 3 or more.
- Often seen clinging to rocks or the glass, grazing on algae.
Suitable Tank Mates:
- Other peaceful fish like Neon Tetras, Danios, or Corydoras.
- Bottom dwellers like Otocinclus or Kuhli Loaches.
- Snails and small shrimp species like Amano or Cherry Shrimp.
- Large, aggressive fish or species that compete aggressively for food.
- Difficulty: Moderate.
- Process:
- Requires pristine water conditions and a well-oxygenated environment.
- Males often guard eggs laid in crevices or on flat surfaces.
- Fry Care:
- Feed infusoria or powdered algae as the fry develop.
Care Tips
- Maintain strong water flow and high oxygen levels.
- Perform regular water changes (20–30%) to ensure water quality.
- Provide a tank environment with plenty of surfaces for grazing.
- Observe for stress or health issues, as they are sensitive to poor water conditions.
Why Choose Borneo Sucker?
- Their unique flat, loach-like body and patterns make them visually striking.
- Excellent algae grazers, contributing to a clean tank.
- Peaceful nature makes them ideal for community tanks.
- Perfect for aquarists who enjoy creating biotope-style aquariums.
The Borneo Sucker is a fascinating and functional addition to freshwater aquariums. With their algae-eating skills and unique aesthetic, they are both practical and beautiful. While they require specialized care, including a fast-flowing, oxygen-rich environment, their peaceful behavior and intriguing appearance make the effort well worth it for dedicated aquarists.