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Siamese Algae eater | Single 2.5-3cm

Siamese Algae eater | Single 2.5-3cm

SKU: 674

The Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus oblongus) is a popular and efficient algae-eating fish in freshwater aquariums. Known for its hard-working nature and ability to control algae growth, it’s a great addition to planted aquariums or community tanks that experience algae issues. The Siamese Algae Eater is particularly valued for its ability to eat certain types of algae that are often hard for other fish to handle, like black beard algae and green spot algae.

Key Characteristics of Siamese Algae Eater:

  • Size: They grow to about 5–6 inches (12–15 cm) in length.
  • Color: Siamese Algae Eaters have a distinctive appearance with a silver or light brown body and a bold black horizontal stripe running along their sides from the head to the tail. This stripe is one of the defining features of the species.
  • Lifespan: Typically live around 5–10 years, depending on tank conditions and care.
  • Temperament: Generally peaceful but can become territorial with their own kind, especially in smaller tanks. They are best kept in groups and with other peaceful fish.
  • Behavior: Active swimmers, often seen grazing on tank surfaces, plants, and decorations in search of algae. They are particularly active during the day and enjoy having plenty of swimming space.

Water Parameters for Siamese Algae Eaters:

  • Temperature: 24–28°C (75–82°F). They thrive in warm tropical conditions.
  • pH: 6.5–7.5. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water.
  • Hardness: 5–15 dGH (degrees of general hardness). They can tolerate a range of water hardness but do best in moderately soft to hard water.
  • Ammonia & Nitrite Levels: Must always be 0 ppm. Like all aquarium fish, Siamese Algae Eaters are sensitive to poor water quality and should be kept in well-maintained tanks.
  • Nitrate Levels: Keep nitrates below 20–40 ppm for optimal health.

Aquarium Setup:

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 30 gallons is recommended for a small group. They are active swimmers and need adequate space to roam.
  • Substrate: A fine gravel or sand substrate is suitable. These fish don’t typically burrow but prefer a smooth substrate for grazing.
  • Filtration: A good filtration system is essential to keep the water clean, as these fish contribute to bio-load through their eating and waste. Moderate water flow is ideal, though they can tolerate stronger currents.
  • Plants & Decor: Siamese Algae Eaters appreciate a tank with plenty of plants and decorations that allow them to graze on algae. They will not harm most plants, though they might nibble on softer species.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is fine. Too much light can encourage excessive algae growth, while too little may limit the algae available for grazing.


Although primarily algae eaters, Siamese Algae Eaters will eat a variety of foods when algae is scarce:

  • Algae: They feed on a variety of algae, including green algae, black beard algae, and even diatoms, which make them excellent for algae control in aquariums.
  • Vegetables: They can be fed blanched vegetables like zucchini, spinach, or cucumber to supplement their diet.
  • Commercial Food: They will readily accept high-quality pellets or flakes designed for herbivores or omnivores.
  • Live/Frozen Foods: They also enjoy occasional treats of live or frozen foods, such as daphnia or bloodworms, but these should not be the main diet.

Tankmates for Siamese Algae Eaters:

  • Suitable Tankmates:
    • Peaceful fish like tetras, rasboras, or guppies.
    • Other algae-eating species like Amano shrimp, otocinclus, or nerite snails.
    • Non-aggressive bottom dwellers such as Corydoras catfish.
  • Avoid Tankmates:
    • Aggressive or large fish like cichlids or predatory species.
    • Smaller, delicate fish that might be outcompeted for food or become stressed by the active swimming of Siamese Algae Eaters.

Breeding Siamese Algae Eaters:

Breeding Siamese Algae Eaters in captivity is rare, but it can occur if the right conditions are met.

  • Breeding Behavior: Males and females will display different body shapes and markings. Females are typically fuller-bodied, especially when they are carrying eggs.
  • Water Conditions for Breeding: Soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.5–7.0) and a temperature of around 26–28°C (79–82°F) can encourage breeding.
  • Eggs: Females lay eggs, which are then fertilized by the male. The eggs will hatch in about 2–3 days, and the fry are free-swimming shortly after.

However, they are typically not bred in home aquariums, and the species is often bred in fish farms for commercial sale.

Benefits of Siamese Algae Eaters in the Aquarium:

  • Algae Control: Their primary benefit is their ability to consume a variety of algae, especially tougher types like black beard algae, which makes them invaluable for aquascaping and maintaining clean tanks.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: While not the most colorful fish, their sleek, active nature adds an interesting dynamic to the aquarium, and their black stripe gives them a distinct look.
  • Water Quality: By consuming algae and organic matter, Siamese Algae Eaters help maintain good water quality, contributing to the overall health of the tank.


Siamese Algae Eaters are an excellent addition to any freshwater tank that needs help controlling algae. They are peaceful, active, and efficient at eating different types of algae, making them ideal for planted aquariums or tanks with algae growth problems. With proper care, including suitable tankmates, water quality, and a balanced diet, they can thrive in your aquarium and offer long-term benefits for your ecosystem.

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