Green Zebra Danios (Danio rerio var.) are a striking color morph of the classic Zebra Danio, selectively bred for their shimmering green hue. These hardy, active, and vibrant fish are a favorite among aquarists for their playful behavior, ease of care, and compatibility with other community fish.
Key Characteristics of Green Zebra Danios:
- Size: Grows up to 1.5–2 inches (4–5 cm).
- Color: Bright green body with horizontal zebra-like stripes that range from light green to white.
- Lifespan: 3–5 years with proper care.
- Behavior: Energetic and peaceful, thriving in shoals of 6 or more.
- Activity Level: Frequent swimmers, preferring the mid-to-upper levels of the tank.
Water Parameters for Green Zebra Danios:
- Temperature: 18–24°C (64–75°F), tolerates cooler water conditions.
- pH: 6.5–7.5, slightly acidic to neutral.
- Hardness: 5–12 dGH.
- Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons for a small group; larger tanks encourage more natural behaviors.
Tank Setup:
- Substrate: Sand or fine gravel.
- Plants: Live plants like Hornwort, Java moss, and Water sprite provide hiding spots and improve water quality.
- Lighting: Moderate lighting enhances their iridescent green color.
- Water Flow: Moderate water flow mimics their natural riverine habitat.
- Decor: Open swimming spaces with some driftwood, rocks, or artificial caves for occasional hiding.
Green Zebra Danios are omnivorous and require a varied diet:
- Staple Foods: High-quality flakes or micro-pellets.
- Protein Sources: Live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, and tubifex worms.
- Vegetable Matter: Finely chopped spinach, zucchini, or spirulina-based foods.
Behavior and Tankmates:
- Behavior: Social and schooling, Green Zebra Danios can exhibit minor fin-nipping if kept in inadequate groups or stressful conditions.
- Tankmates:
- Compatible Species: Tetras, guppies, mollies, Corydoras, rasboras, and other peaceful fish.
- Avoid: Slow-moving or long-finned species like bettas, as danios may nip at their fins.
Breeding Green Zebra Danios:
Green Zebra Danios are prolific egg scatterers and relatively easy to breed:
- Breeding Tank: Set up a separate tank with fine gravel or a spawning mop to protect eggs.
- Pairing: Condition males and females with live or frozen foods to encourage spawning.
- Spawning Process: Males chase females, who scatter eggs among plants or substrate.
- Egg Care: Remove adults post-spawning to prevent egg predation.
- Fry Care: Feed fry with infusoria or specialized liquid fry food, gradually introducing crushed flakes as they grow.
Care Tips:
- Shoaling Behavior: Keep at least 6 individuals to reduce stress and aggressive tendencies.
- Tank Cover: These fish are excellent jumpers, so a secure lid is essential.
- Regular Maintenance: Stable water conditions and a clean environment are key to their health and longevity.
Why Choose Green Zebra Danios?
- Unique Appearance: Their vibrant green stripes make them stand out in a community tank.
- Hardy Nature: Perfect for beginners due to their tolerance for varied water conditions.
- Lively Presence: Their constant activity adds energy to any aquarium.
- Community Compatibility: Peaceful and adaptable to diverse tank setups.
Green Zebra Danios are a fantastic choice for aquarists seeking a colorful, low-maintenance, and lively species. Their adaptability, striking appearance, and friendly nature make them an excellent addition to freshwater and community aquariums. With proper care, these fish will thrive and brighten any tank.