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Banana Cichlid |2-3.5 inch | Single

Banana Cichlid |2-3.5 inch | Single


The Banana Cichlid (Hyperlyteia sp.) is a lesser-known but visually striking species of cichlid, primarily native to the waters of South America. It gets its name due to its bright yellow and orange coloration that resembles the vibrant hues of a banana. These fish are popular among aquarists due to their peaceful temperament and unique appearance. Though they are relatively rare in the hobby, the Banana Cichlid makes for an intriguing addition to any aquarium setup.

Key Characteristics

  • Scientific Name: Hyperlyteia sp.
  • Common Names: Banana Cichlid
  • Size: 4–6 inches (10–15 cm) in length.
  • Lifespan: 5–10 years in captivity.
  • Coloration:
    • Bright yellow to golden with hints of orange on the fins.
    • They may have a darker marking or a subtle "mask" around the eyes.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 76–82°F (24–28°C)
  • pH: 6.5–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral)
  • Hardness: 8–12 dGH (moderately hard water)
  • Water Quality:
    • Like most cichlids, Banana Cichlids appreciate clean, well-filtered water.
    • Frequent water changes (about 20-25% weekly) will help maintain optimal conditions.

Tank Setup

  • Tank Size:

    • A 30–40-gallon tank is suitable for a single Banana Cichlid, while a pair will need a larger tank (55 gallons or more).
  • Substrate:

    • Fine gravel or sand is ideal. Smooth, rounded substrate will prevent any injury to the fish.
  • Decor and Plants:

    • Banana Cichlids like to have hiding spots, so caves, driftwood, and rocks are great additions to the tank.
    • Live plants can also be included, though it’s important to ensure they can withstand the fish’s movement.
  • Filtration:

    • A strong filtration system is essential as these fish can be messy eaters. A good-quality filter will help keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.
  • Lighting:

    • Moderate lighting is sufficient for Banana Cichlids. Too much direct light can stress them, so a natural day-night cycle is best.


  • Type: Omnivorous

  • Preferred Foods:

    • A mix of high-quality pellets, flakes, and live/frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
    • They also enjoy vegetables like peas, spinach, and zucchini.
  • Feeding Tips:

    • Feed 2–3 times a day with small portions. Remove uneaten food promptly to maintain water quality.

Behavior and Tank Mates

  • Behavior:

    • Banana Cichlids are generally peaceful but may show territorial behavior, especially during breeding.
    • They prefer a calm and well-structured environment where they can find hiding spots and explore their territory.
  • Tank Mates:

    • Ideal tank mates include other peaceful cichlids, tetras, rainbowfish, and catfish like Corydoras.
    • Avoid housing them with overly aggressive species or fish that might nip at their fins.


  • Breeding Difficulty: Moderate

  • Breeding Setup:

    • Banana Cichlids will breed in a well-planted tank with flat surfaces where they can lay their eggs.
    • They are monogamous, and once a pair forms, they will often stay together for life.
  • Care for Fry:

    • After hatching, the parents will guard the fry. Once the fry are free-swimming, feed them finely crushed food or liquid fry food.

Care Tips

  • Water Quality: Perform regular water changes to maintain high water quality.
  • Tank Size: Provide enough space for the fish to swim comfortably and establish territories.
  • Diet: Offer a varied diet to ensure the fish receives the necessary nutrients.
  • Behavior: Monitor for any signs of aggression, especially when breeding or during territorial disputes.

Why Choose a Banana Cichlid?

  • Aesthetic Appeal: The bright yellow and orange coloration makes it a standout in any tank.
  • Peaceful Nature: Unlike some other cichlid species, Banana Cichlids are generally peaceful and can be housed with many community fish.
  • Hardy and Adaptable: These fish are relatively easy to care for and can adapt to a range of water conditions.


The Banana Cichlid is an excellent choice for aquarists who are looking for a vibrant, peaceful fish with a striking appearance. With their beautiful yellow coloration and gentle temperament, they make a great addition to a community tank. While they do require clean water and some territorial space, they are not as aggressive as many other cichlid species. If you’re looking for a unique fish that will brighten up your aquarium, the Banana Cichlid could be the perfect choice.

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