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White Fin Tetra| 2-2.5cms | Single

White Fin Tetra| 2-2.5cms | Single


The White Fin Tetra (Rhatbora البيضاء), also known as the White Tetra, is a lesser-known but visually striking species of freshwater fish. Native to Southeast Asia, it is characterized by its predominantly pale body and white-tipped fins, making it a beautiful and elegant addition to freshwater aquariums. Though not as commonly found in the aquarium trade as other tetra species, it is gaining popularity for its unique coloration and peaceful nature.

Key Characteristics

  • Scientific Name: Rhatbora alba
  • Size: 2–2.5 inches (5–6 cm)
  • Lifespan: 3–5 years
  • Coloration:
    • Body is generally transparent to light yellow with a subtle sheen.
    • The fins are white or lightly frosted, especially the dorsal and caudal fins, which give it its distinct "White Fin" appearance.
  • Shape:
    • Slim, elongated body with a slight arch.
    • Fin structure includes long pectoral fins and a forked tail.
  • Temperament:
    • Peaceful, schooling fish that do well in groups.
    • Non-aggressive and social, making them excellent community tank inhabitants.
  • Tank Level:
    • Primarily a mid-water swimmer, often schooling in the middle or upper portions of the tank.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 74–80°F (23–27°C)
  • pH: 6.5–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral)
  • Hardness: 2–15 dGH
  • Water Quality:
    • Prefers soft to moderately hard water.
    • Clean, well-oxygenated water with regular filtration is essential for their well-being.

Tank Setup

  • Tank Size:

    • A minimum of 15–20 gallons for a small group of White Fin Tetras.
    • Larger groups require larger tanks, ideally 30 gallons or more for schooling behavior.
  • Substrate:

    • Fine gravel, smooth sand, or soft substrates are ideal to prevent injury to their delicate fins.
  • Decor and Plants:

    • Provide plenty of live plants, such as Java Fern, Anubias, and Moss, to offer hiding places and create a natural environment.
    • Soft, rounded rocks can be used for decoration but avoid sharp edges.
    • Leave open swimming areas for the fish to move around comfortably.
  • Filtration:

    • Moderate filtration is sufficient. Ensure the filter doesn't create a strong current, as White Fin Tetras prefer calmer waters.
    • Regular water changes (25% weekly) help maintain water quality and ensure a healthy environment.
  • Lighting:

    • Soft lighting is ideal for White Fin Tetras, as they are accustomed to shaded waters in their natural habitat.


  • Type: Omnivorous
  • Preferred Foods:
    • High-quality flake foods or small pellets suitable for tetra species.
    • Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
    • Vegetables such as blanched spinach, peas, or spirulina flakes.
  • Feeding Tips:
    • Feed 2–3 times a day in small portions to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.
    • A varied diet helps keep the fish healthy and vibrant.

Behavior and Tank Mates

  • Behavior:

    • White Fin Tetras are peaceful, schooling fish. They should be kept in groups of at least 6 to 8 individuals.
    • They enjoy swimming together in tight schools, which can be a beautiful and calming sight in the aquarium.
    • Non-aggressive, they tend to get along well with other peaceful community fish.
  • Suitable Tank Mates:

    • Other peaceful tetras, small rasboras, guppies, Corydoras catfish, and peaceful livebearers.
    • Shrimp species and snails are also compatible.
  • Avoid:

    • Aggressive or larger fish, such as cichlids or predatory species, as they may harm or eat the small White Fin Tetra.
    • Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping species.


  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Process:
    • White Fin Tetras are egg-scattering fish, which means the female releases eggs that are fertilized externally by the male.
    • To encourage breeding, provide soft, acidic water with a temperature around 76–78°F (24–26°C).
    • They typically spawn in the early morning, and the eggs will hatch in 1–2 days.
    • After spawning, remove the parents to prevent them from eating the eggs or fry.
  • Fry Care:
    • The fry can be fed with infusoria or finely crushed flakes until they are large enough to eat baby brine shrimp or micro-worms.

Care Tips

  • Keep the tank well-maintained with clean, stable water conditions to prevent stress and disease.
  • Avoid overcrowding, as this can lead to poor water quality and stress for the fish.
  • Provide plenty of plants and hiding spots for the fish to feel secure.
  • Regular water changes and water parameter monitoring are crucial for their health.

Why Choose a White Fin Tetra?

  • Striking Appearance: The white fins and delicate, translucent body of the White Fin Tetra make it a visually stunning addition to any aquarium.
  • Peaceful Nature: It’s an ideal species for community tanks, as it is non-aggressive and easy to keep with other peaceful fish.
  • Easy to Care For: With proper water conditions and a varied diet, the White Fin Tetra is a low-maintenance fish, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists.
  • Active and Social: This species is known for its schooling behavior, adding both beauty and movement to the aquarium.


The White Fin Tetra is an elegant, peaceful, and beautiful fish that is ideal for a community tank. Its gentle nature and schooling behavior make it an attractive species for peaceful aquariums. If you can provide the right water conditions and care, the White Fin Tetra will thrive, adding a unique visual appeal and vibrant energy to your tank.

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