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Apple snail | Snail-small

Apple snail | Snail-small

SKU: 678

Apple Snails (Pomacea spp.) are large, freshwater snails popular in aquariums for their fascinating behavior, vibrant colors, and utility as scavengers. They are sometimes called Mystery Snails (a specific type of Apple Snail) and are known for their ability to clean up algae and uneaten food in tanks. Native to South and Central America, they thrive in tropical and subtropical waters and are one of the most diverse snail species in the aquarium hobby.

Key Characteristics of Apple Snails:

  • Size: Typically grow to 2–4 inches (5–10 cm) in diameter, depending on the species.
  • Color: Available in various colors, including golden yellow, ivory, brown, blue, and even pink. Their operculum (a trapdoor that seals the shell opening) is a distinguishing feature.
  • Lifespan: Live about 1–3 years with proper care.
  • Behavior: Peaceful and slow-moving; they spend their time scavenging for food and exploring tank surfaces.
  • Unique Adaptation: Apple Snails have both gills and lungs, allowing them to breathe underwater and at the water's surface.

Water Parameters for Apple Snails:

  • Temperature: 20–30°C (68–86°F). They thrive in warm, tropical conditions.
  • pH: 7.0–8.0. Slightly alkaline water is ideal to maintain their shell health.
  • Hardness: Moderate to high hardness (8–18 dGH) to prevent shell erosion.
  • Ammonia & Nitrite Levels: Must be 0 ppm as they are highly sensitive to poor water quality.
  • Nitrate Levels: Keep below 20 ppm for optimal health.

Tank Setup:

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is suitable for one or two Apple Snails. Larger tanks are recommended if kept with other tankmates.
  • Substrate: Sand or smooth gravel is ideal to protect their delicate foot.
  • Plants & Decor: Apple Snails enjoy tanks with live plants, driftwood, and rocks for climbing. However, they may eat or damage certain plants.
  • Filtration: A good filter is essential for maintaining water quality, but ensure low to moderate water flow to accommodate their slow movement.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting encourages algae growth, providing a natural food source.


Apple Snails are omnivores and require a varied diet to thrive:

  • Natural Diet: Algae and biofilm growing on tank surfaces.
  • Vegetables: Blanched zucchini, cucumber, spinach, or lettuce make excellent supplements.
  • Commercial Food: Algae wafers, sinking pellets, and snail-specific food.
  • Protein: Occasionally offer shrimp pellets, fish flakes, or bloodworms for extra nutrition.
  • Calcium Supplements: Ensure they have access to calcium (e.g., cuttlebone, calcium-enriched food) to maintain their shell integrity.

Tankmates for Apple Snails:

Apple Snails are peaceful and compatible with many aquarium species:

  • Compatible Tankmates:
    • Small, non-aggressive fish like guppies, tetras, mollies, and rasboras.
    • Bottom-dwellers like Corydoras catfish and otocinclus.
    • Other peaceful invertebrates like shrimp and nerite snails.
  • Avoid Aggressive Tankmates:
    • Snail-eating fish such as loaches, puffers, and certain cichlids.
    • Fish that nip at their antennae, like some barbs or bettas.

Breeding Apple Snails:

Apple Snails reproduce sexually, requiring both male and female individuals for breeding:

  • Egg-Laying: Females lay clusters of eggs above the waterline on hard surfaces. These eggs are typically bright pink or white, depending on the species.
  • Egg Care: Ensure the eggs remain moist but not submerged. Eggs hatch in 2–4 weeks, depending on temperature and humidity.
  • Population Control: If breeding is undesired, remove egg clutches before they hatch to prevent overpopulation.

Common Challenges:

  • Overpopulation: If left unchecked, they can reproduce rapidly in favorable conditions.
  • Plant Damage: They may eat delicate plants like cabomba or soft-leaved species.
  • Shell Erosion: Poor water quality or insufficient calcium can cause shell damage.
  • Predation: Certain fish species may target Apple Snails for food.

Benefits of Apple Snails in Aquariums:

  • Algae Control: They graze on soft algae, helping to maintain clean tank surfaces.
  • Waste Management: Apple Snails consume leftover food and detritus, reducing organic waste.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Their vibrant colors and interesting behavior add visual interest to aquariums.
  • Oxygen Regulation: By occasionally surfacing for air, they create minor water movement that helps with gas exchange.


Apple Snails are hardy and engaging additions to freshwater aquariums, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits as scavengers. While they are relatively low-maintenance, ensuring proper water quality, calcium availability, and tankmate compatibility is essential for their well-being. With appropriate care, Apple Snails can thrive and contribute positively to your tank's ecosystem.

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