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Auratus Morph cichlid young | 1-2.5cms | Single

Auratus Morph cichlid young | 1-2.5cms | Single


The Auratus Cichlid (Melanochromis auratus) is a popular but challenging species of freshwater fish native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. Known for its striking coloration and aggressive nature, the Auratus Cichlid is often favored by experienced aquarists who can provide the right environment and care. It is a part of the Mbuna group of cichlids, which are rock-dwelling fish known for their territorial and aggressive behaviors.

Key Characteristics

  • Scientific Name: Melanochromis auratus
  • Size: 4–5 inches (10–13 cm)
  • Lifespan: 6–8 years
  • Coloration:
    • Males: Bright yellow with black vertical stripes, with a more pronounced contrast and vibrant colors.
    • Females: Typically less colorful, with a more subdued yellow coloration, often with some hints of black.
  • Shape:
    • Oval-shaped body with a pointed head.
    • Streamlined body, designed for quick movements in rocky environments.
  • Temperament:
    • Highly aggressive and territorial, especially during breeding periods.
    • Males are particularly aggressive toward other males.
  • Tank Level:
    • Primarily a middle-to-bottom dwelling fish.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 75–80°F (24–27°C)
  • pH: 7.5–8.5 (alkaline water)
  • Hardness: 10–18 dGH
  • Water Quality:
    • Requires excellent water quality and high oxygenation.
    • High filtration is essential, and regular water changes (at least 25% weekly) are recommended.

Tank Setup

  • Tank Size:

    • A minimum of 30–50 gallons for a single Auratus Cichlid, larger tanks are better if you plan to keep multiple fish or species.
  • Substrate:

    • Fine to medium gravel or sand is ideal, as they are used to rocky lakebed environments in the wild.
  • Decor and Plants:

    • Aquascape with plenty of rocks and caves, which the Auratus will use for hiding and establishing territory.
    • Live plants may be used, but be cautious, as cichlids are known to uproot plants or damage them during their aggressive territorial displays.
  • Filtration:

    • Strong filtration is a must to maintain the water quality. A canister filter is ideal, as it provides efficient filtration and water flow.
  • Lighting:

    • Moderate lighting is sufficient for this species and its tank mates.


  • Type: Omnivorous
  • Preferred Foods:
    • High-quality cichlid pellets, flakes, or granules.
    • Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
    • Vegetable-based foods like spirulina, algae wafers, or blanched spinach.
  • Feeding Tips:
    • Feed 2–3 times a day in smaller amounts to prevent overfeeding and water quality issues.
    • A varied diet is important to provide balanced nutrition.

Behavior and Tank Mates

  • Behavior:

    • Auratus Cichlids are very territorial and aggressive, especially when defending their space or during the breeding season.
    • They can harass smaller or less aggressive fish.
    • While they can be kept in a community tank, they should only be housed with other tough, territorial fish that can hold their own.
    • They are known for rearranging the tank and digging in the substrate.
  • Suitable Tank Mates:

    • Other African cichlids, especially those from the Mbuna group (e.g., Pseudotropheus species).
    • Hardy fish that can tolerate similar water conditions and won't be easily bullied, like some species of Synodontis catfish, large tetras, and other similarly-sized cichlids.
    • Avoid small, peaceful fish like neon tetras, guppies, or fish with long fins that could be easily harassed.
  • Avoid:

    • Peaceful or slow-moving fish, as the Auratus will likely bully them.
    • Other cichlids with similar coloration or aggression levels, as territorial disputes may arise.


  • Difficulty: Moderate to difficult

  • Process:

    • Auratus Cichlids are mouthbrooders, meaning the female holds the fertilized eggs in her mouth until they hatch.
    • Males typically display their brightest colors to attract females.
    • After mating, the female carries the eggs in her mouth for about 3 weeks until they hatch.
    • Once the fry are released, they stay close to the mother for protection before becoming more independent.
  • Fry Care:

    • Feed fry with powdered fry food, live brine shrimp, or micro-worms.
    • Provide hiding spots for the fry to avoid predation, including from adult fish.

Care Tips

  • Provide a well-established, mature aquarium to reduce stress and promote a healthy environment for the fish.
  • Regular water changes (25% weekly) and consistent water parameter monitoring are essential for their well-being.
  • Avoid overcrowding, as it can increase aggression levels.
  • Provide ample space for hiding and establishing territories.
  • Avoid placing the tank in noisy or high-traffic areas, as this can stress the fish.

Why Choose an Auratus Cichlid?

  • Striking Appearance: The bright yellow and black striped coloration of the male is very eye-catching and makes the Auratus a stunning centerpiece in an aquarium.
  • Interesting Behavior: The territorial and aggressive nature of the Auratus Cichlid makes it a fascinating species to observe, especially in a tank with similar, tough fish.
  • Hardy and Adaptable: Once established in the right tank conditions, Auratus Cichlids are hardy and can live for many years.
  • Ideal for Experienced Aquarists: Due to their aggressive nature, the Auratus Cichlid is better suited for experienced aquarists who are familiar with managing territorial and aggressive species.


The Auratus Cichlid is a striking, energetic, and territorial fish that is best suited for aquarists with experience in handling aggressive species. With their bright yellow and black coloration, they can be a stunning focal point in a tank. However, they require proper care, the right tank setup, and careful attention to tank mates to thrive. With the right conditions, the Auratus Cichlid can be a rewarding fish to keep, offering vibrant color and fascinating behaviors.

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