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Yellow Shrimp | Adult-Single

Yellow Shrimp | Adult-Single

SKU: 673

Yellow Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), often referred to as Yellow Cherry Shrimp, are a colorful and popular variety of the Neocaridina genus. These shrimp are particularly favored for their bright yellow coloration and ease of care. Yellow Shrimp are great for both beginner and experienced aquarists and can be kept in a variety of freshwater tank setups.

Key Characteristics of Yellow Shrimp:

  • Size: Typically reach about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length.
  • Color: Bright yellow, although the exact shade of yellow can vary depending on diet, water quality, and genetics. Some individuals may exhibit lighter or darker yellow hues.
  • Lifespan: Yellow Shrimp generally live for about 1–2 years in a well-maintained aquarium.
  • Temperament: Peaceful and non-aggressive, making them an excellent addition to community tanks with compatible species.
  • Behavior: Active and social, they spend most of their time grazing on algae, biofilm, and leftover food in the aquarium.

Water Parameters for Yellow Shrimp:

  • Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F). Yellow Shrimp prefer warmer water and thrive in stable, tropical conditions.
  • pH: 6.5–7.5. They do well in slightly acidic to neutral water, though they can tolerate a wider pH range.
  • Hardness: 4–8 dGH (degrees of general hardness). Softer water is typically preferred, especially for breeding.
  • Ammonia & Nitrite Levels: Must be 0 ppm. Yellow Shrimp are sensitive to water quality and require a clean, toxin-free environment.
  • Nitrate Levels: Nitrates should be kept under 20 ppm for optimal health.

Aquarium Setup:

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10-20 gallons is recommended, but they can also thrive in smaller tanks with proper maintenance.
  • Substrate: Fine gravel, sand, or nutrient-rich substrate works well. Avoid sharp-edged substrates that may injure the shrimp.
  • Filtration: A sponge filter or gentle power filter is ideal, as strong currents can stress the shrimp. Ensure the water flow is moderate.
  • Plants & Decor: Yellow Shrimp enjoy a planted tank with plenty of hiding spots. Java moss, anubias, and cryptocoryne are great plant choices. Driftwood and rocks also serve as excellent hiding places.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is recommended. Too much light can promote excessive algae growth, which may disrupt the shrimp’s grazing behavior.


  • Algae: Yellow Shrimp are excellent algae eaters, and they will help keep your aquarium surfaces clean by consuming algae.
  • Shrimp Pellets: High-quality shrimp pellets or granular food designed for invertebrates are an excellent primary food source.
  • Vegetables: Blanched vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, or cucumber can be fed occasionally to provide extra nutrition.
  • Biofilm: Yellow Shrimp naturally feed on biofilm, which forms on surfaces like rocks, plants, and tank decorations.
  • Supplementary Foods: Spirulina flakes or other shrimp food can help ensure they receive a balanced diet.

Breeding Yellow Shrimp:

  • Breeding Behavior: Yellow Shrimp breed easily in a stable tank environment. Female shrimp will carry eggs under their tail (berried) for about 2–3 weeks before hatching into fully-formed baby shrimp.
  • Water Conditions for Breeding: For successful breeding, keep water parameters stable. A temperature of 22–26°C (72–79°F) and a pH range of 6.5–7.0 are ideal. Softer, slightly acidic water helps promote breeding.
  • Fry Care: Baby shrimp are born fully formed and will begin searching for algae and biofilm right away. Provide plenty of plants and hiding spots to protect the fry from predation.
  • Molting: Like other shrimp species, Yellow Shrimp will molt as they grow. It is essential to provide enough calcium in the water to support healthy molting.

Tankmates for Yellow Shrimp:

  • Suitable Tankmates:
    • Small, peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, guppies, or other peaceful species.
    • Other shrimp species like Crystal Red Shrimp or Amano Shrimp, as long as they are non-aggressive.
    • Small snails, like Nerite or Mystery snails, that will not harm the shrimp.
  • Avoid Tankmates:
    • Large or predatory fish like cichlids or carnivorous species, which may see the shrimp as food.
    • Aggressive or fast-moving fish that could outcompete the shrimp for food or stress them out.

Benefits of Yellow Shrimp in the Aquarium:

  • Algae Control: Yellow Shrimp are effective at keeping algae under control, grazing on algae, biofilm, and organic waste in the aquarium.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Their bright yellow coloration adds a vibrant contrast to planted tanks and enhances the visual appeal of the aquarium.
  • Water Quality: By consuming detritus and leftover food, Yellow Shrimp help maintain good water quality in the tank.
  • Natural Behavior: Their active scavenging behavior adds life and movement to the tank, as they continuously search for food.


Yellow Shrimp are an excellent choice for anyone looking to add color and function to a freshwater aquarium. Their peaceful nature, easy care requirements, and algae-eating habits make them a great addition to community tanks. With proper water conditions, diet, and tankmates, Yellow Shrimp will thrive and provide both beauty and utility to your aquarium.

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