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Albino Suckermouth Cat | Single 4-5cm

Albino Suckermouth Cat | Single 4-5cm

SKU: 680

The Albino Suckermouth Catfish, a variant of the common Plecostomus (or Pleco), is a stunning freshwater fish known for its pale, almost translucent body and red or pink eyes. This variant shares the same hardy nature and tank-cleaning abilities as its darker counterparts, making it a favorite among aquarists. The albino coloration is the result of a genetic mutation that reduces pigmentation, giving it a unique and striking appearance in aquariums.

Key Characteristics of Albino Suckermouth Catfish:

  • Size: Grows to about 10–15 inches (25–38 cm) in home aquariums, but can reach 24 inches (60 cm) in the wild or in very large tanks.
  • Color: Pale white, cream, or yellowish body with pink or red eyes.
  • Lifespan: Can live 10–15 years with proper care.
  • Behavior: Nocturnal and peaceful, spending most of the day resting and becoming more active at night to forage.
  • Mouth: Equipped with a sucker mouth for adhering to surfaces and scraping algae.

Water Parameters for Albino Suckermouth Catfish:

  • Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F), suitable for tropical aquariums.
  • pH: 6.5–7.5, with neutral to slightly acidic water being ideal.
  • Hardness: 4–10 dGH; prefers soft to moderately hard water.
  • Tank Size: Minimum 75 gallons, as these fish grow large and require plenty of swimming and grazing space.

Tank Setup:

  • Substrate: Smooth gravel or sand to protect their delicate undersides.
  • Hiding Spaces: Provide caves, driftwood, and rocks as hiding spots during the day. They are shy and need these to feel secure.
  • Lighting: Low to moderate lighting helps them stay comfortable due to their light sensitivity.
  • Plants: Hardy plants like Java fern, Anubias, or Vallisneria work well. Avoid delicate plants, as albino plecos might accidentally damage them while grazing.


Albino Suckermouth Catfish are omnivores with a preference for plant-based foods:

  • Algae: Naturally consume algae growing in the tank, but this should not be their sole food source.
  • Vegetables: Blanched zucchini, cucumber, peas, or spinach are excellent staples.
  • Driftwood: Needed for fiber and digestion, particularly for some pleco species.
  • Commercial Food: Algae wafers, sinking pellets, or pleco-specific food supplements.
  • Occasional Protein: Bloodworms, brine shrimp, or shrimp pellets can be given occasionally for a protein boost.

Tankmates for Albino Suckermouth Catfish:

This peaceful species gets along with a variety of non-aggressive tankmates:

  • Compatible Tankmates:
    • Small, peaceful fish like tetras, rasboras, and guppies.
    • Bottom-dwellers like Corydoras or loaches.
    • Larger non-aggressive fish like angelfish or gouramis.
  • Avoid Aggressive Tankmates:
    • Territorial fish like large cichlids or Oscars.
    • Snail-eating fish that may harass them.

Care Considerations:

  • Size Management: These fish can grow quite large, so ensure the tank is spacious enough to accommodate them as they mature.
  • Filtration: They produce significant waste, so strong filtration and regular water changes are necessary.
  • Activity Level: Though mostly nocturnal, they can adapt to daytime activity if the environment feels safe.
  • Water Quality: Sensitive to ammonia, nitrite, and high nitrate levels; pristine water conditions are crucial.

Breeding Albino Suckermouth Catfish:

Breeding albino plecos is possible in home aquariums with the right conditions:

  • Sexual Dimorphism: Males tend to have larger bristles on their heads and are slimmer than females.
  • Spawning Setup: Provide breeding caves or PVC pipes for the female to lay eggs.
  • Parental Care: Males guard the eggs and fan them to ensure oxygen flow until they hatch.
  • Fry Care: Feed the fry with crushed algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and infusoria.

Common Challenges:

  • Overgrowth: As juveniles, they are easy to manage, but their large adult size can outgrow smaller tanks.
  • Plant Damage: They may graze on softer plants while foraging.
  • Shell Sensitivity: Albino variants are more sensitive to bright light and water quality than their darker counterparts.


The Albino Suckermouth Catfish is a striking and functional addition to large freshwater aquariums. With their gentle demeanor, algae-eating habits, and unique appearance, they make excellent tankmates for peaceful community tanks. Proper care, a spacious environment, and a balanced diet will ensure they thrive and remain healthy for many years.

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