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Red Tiger Barb | Single

Red Tiger Barb | Single

SKU: 702

The Red Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona variant) is a visually stunning and vibrant freshwater fish known for its deep red-orange body and distinct black tiger-like stripes. This variation of the classic Tiger Barb stands out for its bold coloration and lively behavior. Native to Southeast Asia, Tiger Barbs, including the red variant, are hardy, active swimmers that thrive in groups and add dynamic movement to aquariums.

Key Characteristics of Red Tiger Barb:

  • Size: 2.5–3 inches (6–7.5 cm).
  • Color: Intense red to reddish-orange body with dark vertical stripes, and bright red or orange fins.
  • Lifespan: 5–7 years with proper care.
  • Behavior: Semi-aggressive, energetic, and playful; thrives in schools.
  • Activity Level: Highly active swimmers that prefer the mid-levels of the tank.

Water Parameters for Red Tiger Barb:

  • Temperature: 22–27°C (72–81°F).
  • pH: 6.0–8.0; slightly acidic to neutral water is ideal.
  • Hardness: 5–15 dGH.
  • Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons for a small group of 6; larger tanks (30+ gallons) are preferred for bigger schools and community setups.

Tank Setup:

  • Substrate: Dark substrates help enhance their bold red coloration.
  • Plants: Hardy plants like Java fern, Anubias, or Vallisneria provide hiding spots and create a natural look.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting highlights their vibrant red hue.
  • Water Flow: Moderate water movement to replicate their natural habitat.
  • Decor: Include driftwood, rocks, and caves to offer hiding places and reduce aggression by breaking up sightlines.


Red Tiger Barbs are omnivorous and require a balanced diet:

  • Staple Foods: High-quality tropical fish flakes or pellets.
  • Protein Sources: Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
  • Vegetable Matter: Spirulina-based flakes, blanched zucchini, or spinach.
  • Feeding Tip: Feed twice daily in small portions, ensuring food is small enough for their mouths.

Behavior and Tankmates:

  • Behavior: Red Tiger Barbs are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 6 or more to minimize aggression. They are known for their playful yet semi-aggressive behavior, often chasing each other or nipping fins in smaller groups.
  • Tankmates:
    • Compatible Species: Fast-moving fish like zebra danios, rosy barbs, and larger tetras; bottom dwellers like Corydoras or loaches.
    • Avoid: Slow-moving or long-finned species like bettas, angelfish, or guppies, which may become targets for fin-nipping.

Breeding Red Tiger Barbs:

Breeding Red Tiger Barbs is straightforward with the right setup:

  • Breeding Tank: Set up a separate tank with soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0–6.5) and fine-leaved plants or spawning mops.
  • Conditioning: Feed the breeding pair live or frozen protein-rich foods to encourage spawning.
  • Spawning Behavior: Males display brighter colors to attract females, who scatter eggs among plants.
  • Egg Care: Remove adults after spawning to prevent them from eating the eggs. Eggs hatch in 24–48 hours.
  • Fry Care: Feed fry with infusoria or liquid fry food, transitioning to finely crushed flakes or micro-pellets as they grow.

Care Tips:

  • Group Size: Keep them in schools of 6–10 or more to reduce stress and aggressive tendencies.
  • Water Quality: Perform regular water changes to maintain clean, oxygen-rich water.
  • Tankmates: Pair them with fast-swimming, similarly sized species to minimize conflicts.
  • Environment: Provide a mix of open swimming space and hiding spots for a well-balanced tank.

Why Choose Red Tiger Barbs?

  • Striking Appearance: Their bright red coloration and dynamic stripes make them a centerpiece in any aquarium.
  • Hardy and Adaptable: Easy to care for and tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, ideal for beginners and experienced hobbyists.
  • Energetic and Social: Their playful schooling behavior adds movement and liveliness to tanks.
  • Breeding Potential: A great species for aquarists interested in breeding freshwater fish.


The Red Tiger Barb is an excellent choice for aquarists seeking a colorful and active fish for their aquarium. With proper care, a suitable tank setup, and a compatible community, these vibrant fish will thrive and bring energy and beauty to your aquatic environment.

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