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Blue Widow tetra | Single

Blue Widow tetra | Single

SKU: 712

Blue Widow Tetra is a lesser-known color morph of the Black Widow Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), a species commonly found in freshwater aquariums. While the Black Widow Tetra is known for its dark body and striking appearance, the Blue Widow Tetra displays vibrant blue hues, making it a popular choice among aquarists seeking to add color to their tanks.

Key Characteristics of Blue Widow Tetras:

  • Species: The Blue Widow Tetra is a color morph of the Black Widow Tetra, and its scientific name remains Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.

    • The fish's body is usually a shade of blue, and they often have red or orange markings on the fins, similar to their black counterparts.
  • Size: Blue Widow Tetras typically grow to about 2–2.5 inches (5–6 cm) in length.

  • Coloration:

    • Body Color: The Blue Widow Tetra has a predominantly blue body, often with a translucent or light blue appearance, which makes it stand out in the aquarium.
    • Fins: The fins can have a reddish or orange hue, particularly around the tail and dorsal fin. These colorations make the Blue Widow Tetra a vibrant addition to any aquarium.
    • Contrast: The combination of the blue body with contrasting red or orange fin tips gives this tetra a striking and appealing look.
  • Lifespan: Blue Widow Tetras typically live for 3–5 years when provided with proper care.

  • Behavior:

    • Blue Widow Tetras are peaceful, active, and schooling fish, often seen swimming in groups.
    • They are known to be friendly and non-aggressive toward other community tank members.
  • Activity Level: Moderate. These tetras are active swimmers, but they are not as hyperactive as some other species, making them a suitable addition to a peaceful community tank.

Water Parameters for Blue Widow Tetras:

  • Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F), as Blue Widow Tetras prefer warm water but are adaptable to a range of temperatures.
  • pH: 6.5–7.5, which is slightly acidic to neutral.
  • Hardness: 4–12 dGH, which is adaptable to a variety of water hardness levels.
  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended for a small school of Blue Widow Tetras. Larger tanks are ideal for schools of more than 6 fish.

Tank Setup for Blue Widow Tetras:

  • Substrate: Fine gravel or sand works well. A darker substrate can make the fish’s blue coloration pop, creating a striking contrast.
  • Plants: Live plants such as Java fern, Anubias, or Amazon sword provide a natural habitat and offer hiding places. Blue Widow Tetras enjoy having plants to swim through, which also helps simulate their natural environment.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is best. Bright lighting can sometimes stress these fish, so provide gentle lighting to create a calm environment.
  • Water Flow: Moderate to gentle water flow. They prefer calm waters but can tolerate light currents.
  • Decor: Driftwood, rocks, and live plants help create a more natural tank environment.

Diet for Blue Widow Tetras:

Blue Widow Tetras are omnivores and will accept a wide range of foods:

  • Staple Foods: High-quality fish flakes or pellets.
  • Protein Sources: Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
  • Vegetable Matter: Algae wafers, spirulina flakes, or blanched vegetables like spinach and zucchini.
  • Feeding Tip: Feed them small amounts of food 2–3 times per day. They are quick eaters, so be cautious not to overfeed.

Behavior and Tankmates:

  • Behavior: These tetras are peaceful and social, and they thrive in schools of at least 5–6 fish. Keeping them in groups reduces stress and encourages natural schooling behavior.
  • Tankmates:
    • Compatible species include other small, peaceful fish like neon tetras, guppies, rasboras, Corydoras catfish, and small livebearers.
    • Avoid keeping them with aggressive or predatory species that may harm the tetras, such as large cichlids or fin-nipping species like tiger barbs.

Breeding Blue Widow Tetras:

Breeding Blue Widow Tetras can be relatively straightforward, but requires a few considerations:

  • Breeding Tank: Set up a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0–6.5) and plenty of fine-leaved plants or spawning mops to collect the eggs.
  • Conditioning: Feed the breeding pair high-quality, protein-rich foods to condition them.
  • Spawning: The female will scatter eggs in the tank, and the male fertilizes them as they are laid. After spawning, remove the adults to prevent them from eating the eggs.
  • Egg Care: The eggs usually hatch within 24–48 hours. The fry can be fed liquid fry food or infusoria until they are large enough to eat finely crushed flakes or baby brine shrimp.

Care Tips:

  • Group Size: Keep Blue Widow Tetras in groups of at least 5–6 to ensure they feel secure and display natural schooling behavior.
  • Water Changes: Regular water changes (20–30% per week) help maintain good water quality and prevent the build-up of toxins like ammonia and nitrates.
  • Tankmates: Choose peaceful species to create a harmonious tank environment.
  • Environment: Provide plants and hiding spots to help the fish feel secure and simulate their natural habitat.

Why Choose Blue Widow Tetras?

  • Striking Coloration: The blue body and contrasting fins make these tetras a stunning addition to any aquarium.
  • Peaceful Nature: They are calm, non-aggressive, and thrive in peaceful community tanks.
  • Active and Social: These tetras enjoy the company of others and are often seen schooling, providing entertainment for aquarium owners.
  • Hardy and Easy to Care For: Blue Widow Tetras are adaptable to a range of water conditions, making them an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists.


The Blue Widow Tetra is a beautiful, peaceful fish that adds a touch of color and liveliness to any aquarium. Its vibrant blue hue and easygoing nature make it a perfect choice for community tanks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, Blue Widow Tetras are a rewarding addition to your aquarium setup, offering both aesthetic appeal and active behavior.

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